Summer has finally arrived!!! As a child we would spent our entire summers at a cottage at a lake in an oasis of trees in central Alberta... those were halcyon days, and yesterday felt like a piece of one of those fondly remembered days. Often, we would pack up all the family and make a trek into one of the small towns to stock up on supplies and necessary items for entertainment( snorkles, flippers, thongs, nets, suntan lotion(!)) It was an all day event, with a lot of time spent milling about the toy/fun section of the old General Store. We would come back with our little treasures, tired and sleepy, but so satisfied.. and ready for the next week of sunshine and water.
Yesterday, was one of those memorable days. Now, as an adult, the time that we get to just enjoy moments of exploring and milling about in a treasure trove is usually nonexistent.We , as parents, have so many demands on us. Especially for my great friends that are part of RiverStitch who still have their beautiful young kiddies. The demands of young children - even tho we adore them, is sometimes so taxing.... and just such a break is so necessary.
I can't remember a more fun day, than yesterday, for a long time... what could possibly be more fun than spending hours absorbing and thinking and talking about our knitting vice, with like minded souls?!
My one big comment, is how wonderful the kids were!! Kudo's to Shan and Sunmi - next time - we will make it WAY more fun for them !!(both adults and kiddies)
Mr. Quintessential wanted to know what we did over on Quadra.."Hung out at Fun Knits for most of the time, other than to eat!" I said... - ..he shook his sensible is that possible he wonders!!
Have a super day.